“How do I know if my child has pneumonia?”
My daughter is 9 years old and she coughs a lot. I am worried it may be pneumonia. How do I know if my child has pneumonia?
7 Answers
If she gets new fevers or fevers lasting more than 5 days, cough lasting more than 3 weeks, difficulty breathing with chest pains
There are two types of pneumonia- viral and bacterial. In viral pneumonia your child could cough, worse at night and have fevers as well as congestion and fatigue. Bacterial pneumonia would consist of a harder time breathing and higher fevers. A cough alone is very unlikely to be pneumonia and could be asthma, allergies, or even acid reflux. Each has their own treatment and a lung exam by your child's doctor would help.
Hello, I would bring her to see her Pediatrician since cough could be many different things. If she coughs daily and it’s usually at night or when she is active it could be asthma. If she has had a cold for a week and persistent fevers, shortness of breath, if she is moving her chest muscles faster than normal it could be pneumonia. Sometimes cough can be a symptom of ear infection as well so I definitely recommend you take her in to see her doctor. Hope this helps!
Your child definitely needs a physical exam and if rales (crepitant sounds are audible, that is very suspicious of pneumonia and should warrant a chest Xray.
First, you should see your daughter’s doctor for evaluation and examination. They will take a history and do an exam and listen to her lungs. In some cases, a chest X-ray may be done as well.
Thank you for your question. Having pneumonia may only be one of the reason your child has a cough. Other things to consider would be: 1. A post nasal drip Dr allergies; 2. Reactive airway or asthma; or 3. Pneumonia, which can be viral or caused by bacteria. This can be diagnosed with a chest X-ray.
Hope this helps.
Thank you for your question. Having pneumonia may only be one of the reason your child has a cough. Other things to consider would be: 1. A post nasal drip Dr allergies; 2. Reactive airway or asthma; or 3. Pneumonia, which can be viral or caused by bacteria. This can be diagnosed with a chest X-ray.
Hope this helps.