Pediatrician Questions Pediatrician

How do you bring down a fever in a child?

My 7 year old daughter has a fever and stomach pains. How do you bring down a fever in a child?

4 Answers

Acetaminophen or Ibuprofen at the appropriate weight based doses. Lemon juice squirted in cold water. A lukewarm bath with a few drops of peppermint oil
You can either give Tylenol or Motrin if not allergic to. Plenty of water, dressed lightly to evaporate extra body heat. Take lukewarm water bath for 20 minutes. If you daughter is sicker, seek medical advice, in-person evaluation ASAP.
All fevers are not the same.Most are due to Viral Infections but some can be due to Bacterial infection and may need to be treated by child's Pediatrician.
Just to bring the fever down you can use a fever reducer medication like Acetaminophen sold as brand name Tylenol or Ibuprophen sold as brand name Motrin in aporopriate dose related to child's body weight.Along with that force fluids and have child wear loose clothing in a cool envoirenment.If temp is too high you may sponge chikd's body with slightly warm water only if it is comforting to child but stop if child starts shivering.
Having said that have the child examined by the Pediatrician or your Familt Physician for proper diagnosis
You can give tylenol or motrin, but motrin can sometimes cause worsening of abdominal pain. You can sponge bath with lukewarm water. This usually brings temp down about 1 degree.