Dentist Questions Dentist

How do you clean your real teeth with veneers?

I am a 29 year old male and I have veneers. How do you clean your real teeth with veneers?

12 Answers

Just as you brush your natural dentition by flossing and brushing after meals
Same as regular teeth.
You would clean your teeth exactly the same way you did before veneers were placed. Daily brushing and flossing would be ideal.
You should be able to just brush and floss your teeth like normal. If this is a problem, then contact your local dentist that placed the veneers.
Clean the teeth just the same as you would any others. Make sure you keep up your regular cleanings at your dental office, and if they see anything of concern, they will let you know.
When you have veneers, you brush AND floss your teeth like you normally would if you didn't have veneers. You are not able to remove the veneer to clean your real tooth under it. The margins from the veneers are sealed so you brush like you brush your other teeth.
Veneers are supposed to be just like your teeth so clean the normal way you would clean your teeth
There is no difference in cleaning. Treat them as if they were natural teeth. What you need to avoid is abrasive toothpastes such as tartar control; it may alter the surface of the veneers.

Dr. Dennis Nagata
You clean them exactly the way you clean your own teeth: WaterPik, dental floss, and proper brushing.

You are able to brush and floss your teeth regularly. Make sure you brush the back area of your teeth to remove any particles at the junction of the veneer and your natural teeth.

The recommendations are to brush and floss as any other tooth. Gentle brushing is very important to avoid recession of the gum line.

Teeth should be cleaned the same way with or without veneers; brushing, flossing, and mouth rinse. A veneer is simply a covering that gets cemented to the underlying tooth structure. Most of the time, a small amount of enamel is removed on the front of the tooth to make room for the veneer. This way the tooth does not look more bulky than it did naturally. Once the veneer goes on the tooth, it gets cemented and sealed off. It is still important to keep the rest of the tooth and the veneer clean, and this is best accomplished by brushing and flossing. Hope this help.

My best to you

William F. Scott IV, DMD