Anesthesiologist Questions Local Anesthesia

How is local anesthesia given?

I am a 32 year old female who will have local anesthesia for the first time. How is local anesthesia given?

5 Answers

It is given by a needle and syringe filled with local anesthetic.
Local anesthesia is inyected by surgeon in the area of surgery. You will feel numbness of area
It’s injected just underneath the skin surface and injected around the nerves that supply motor and sensory innervation to the surgical site. Like how a dentist “numbs” up the nerves to teeth being worked on.
By injection into the area being worked on. May sting 3-5 seconds but then you’re numb

From Christopher Creighton
Local anesthetic is given with an injection on the site of the procedure so it can numb the nerves supplying that area. It feels like a bee sting just for a few seconds and then medication kicks in.