Dentist Questions Cavities

How long after getting a cavity filled does it stop hurting?

I'm 37, and I just had gotten a filling done on one of my cavities. My tooth kinda hurts and feels a little sore now. How long after a filling would my tooth stop hurting?

12 Answers

Usually there should not be any pain. Maybe some discomfort you may feel.
Can be several weeks
Most fillings shouldn’t hurt after placement. If there is discomfort I suggest calling the office where the work was done and have them evaluate the situation.
It depends on your age and the extent of the cavity. If it does not get better than it would need to be addressed. A little bit better every day vs a little bit worse every day, usually means it is getting better.
When does it bother you? While chewing? You might need your bite adjusted. Sometimes when you are numb you dont bite down normally. The bite only has to be off a little bit to hurt. If its been more than 3 days of discomfort I would return to your dentist to have the bite evaluated.
Times vary for soreness on a tooth to go away after dental treatment. It can take a few days an even up to a month, depending on the size and amount of teeth you had worked on. You should only worry if the pain increases or starts to ache without provocation.
Go back to your dentist and describe your symptoms to him.
It may take a couple of hours after the anesthesia wears off.
Go back to the dentist who did it.

Mitchel Friedman

Hello, depending on how close the filling is to your nerve, you may experience some soreness and sensitivity! It should subside in few weeks but if it exaggerates over time, you might be dealing with a root canal case.

There are a few problems that you can have going on. Sometimes the new filling may have to be adjusted. Going back to your doctor so everything can be checked out.
I would wait 1-2 weeks. If getting slowly better, maybe longer.