OB-GYN (Obstetrician-Gynecologist) Questions OB-GYN

How many cm do you have to be for your water to break?

I am a 28 year old female. I want to know how many cms do you have to be for your water to break?

5 Answers

Membranes can rupture without any dilation or right up to full dilation
Sometimes water may break even when the cervix is closed.
Your water might never break even after 10 cm dilated sometimes. There is no necessity for you to break your water, for you to be in labor. Your doctor might break water in labor if needed.
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No defined dilation for you to have "your bag of water" break. At best, it is preferred if you are in active labor (4-6 cm), which makes your labor progression to be faster.
When your water breaks, your cervix can be closed or 10 cm or anything in between.

Avra Jordano-Alter