OB-GYN (Obstetrician-Gynecologist) Questions OB-GYN

How much spotting is normal during pregnancy?

I am a 27 year old female. I want to know how much spotting is normal during pregnancy?

7 Answers

Spotting is not normal, but does not always have bad consequences.
Spotting does happen, but it's not normal. It doesn’t mean miscarriage, but it better get checked. If my mom was spotting, I would see her & do an ultrasound.
You may have spotting earlier in pregnancy. We call it implantation bleeding, that means bleeding from where pregnancy attaches to the wall of the uterus
No quantity is normal. Visit your doc to examine.
Bleeding is abnormal during a pregnancy. However, some spotting in late pregnancy could be the physiological change of the cervix of the uterus, which is normal.

Unless you have mild spotting after sex, which can be normal, all spotting should be discussed with your Obstetrician.
Spotting during pregnancy can be common in over 25% of women, but not normal per se. Not all spotting is necessarily dangerous especially in the first few weeks of pregnancy, but some can be a sign of threatened miscarriage or a pregnancy implanted outside the normal portion of the uterus( an ectopic pregnancy) in the first trimester or other complications later in pregnancy . Always seek the care of a physician, when you have spotting, to ensure that nothing worrisome is going on with yours.