Dermatologist Questions Dermatologist

How often should I get a laser facial?

I am a 28 year old female. I want to know how often should I get laser facial?

3 Answers

It depends on your skin type, how much sun you’ve had, what type of skin products you’re using for maintenance, and the amount of oil in your skin. As you grow older, you could have at least a light laser facial once or twice a year. If you do a good job with sun protection by wearing a large hat and sunblock and a sunshield while driving, you may be able to go a couple years in between laser facials.
There are different types of laser facials used, and the actual treatment chosen depends on many variables such as one's skin type and the sun damage incurred as well as the aging facial changes. How often you may need a laser facial depends on your goals for treatment. Are they to prevent or reduce fine lines and wrinkles, improve blotchy hyperpigmentation, shrink pores, decrease red blood vessels, eliminate age spots, or to reduce facial scarring? Any combination or all of the above? My patients are very impressed with the results of our contactless Aerolase Neo Elite Laser that offers many benefits for facial rejuvenation without pain, anesthesia, needles or any downtime. Typically there is a treatment regimen of once
every 3-4 weeks for 5 treatments for the best results, although many begin to see results in as little as one treatment. The frequency for having a maintenance treatment will again depend on the extent of sun damage and aging changes you may have and how you are currently protecting your skin. In general, the results from the Aerolase Nep Elite could last from 1-3 years, but depending on how well you protect your skin throughout the year from further sun damage, you might elect to have a maintenance treatment
First, since lasers are backed far more by marketing and medspa hype than hard science, the first question should not be "How often," but whether you should be spending your money on these treatments in the first place. I don't know what exactly you wish to treat, but I feel fairly confident that there is likely to be a better, more cost-effective way to achieve what you want than with laser facials.