Councelor/Therapist Questions Child agression

My 5 year old daughter is extremely aggressive. What can I do to calm her down?

My daughter is 5 years old and has been extremely aggressive toward us and toward the kids at school. She gets angry very fast and handles it quite badly. What therapy can I try to calm her down?

1 Answer

There is family counseling and children's therapy, play therapy, and it works especially well for children. You need to get help for the entire family before you create a monster child out of control. When she learns to regulate her emotion she will be happier have friends who enjoy her company instead of fear her presence. This is also a family issue. Try to re-establish home rules to compliment school and classroom rules, that will make it easier to adjust to her change of environments. Always initiate respect, kindness and self control she will need to understand natural consequences to her behavior. When she misbehaves the consequences must match the offense. Find someone to help you today.