Physical Therapist Questions Slipped Disk

Is slipped disc a lifetime condition?

I am a 45 year old woman and I recently suffered from a slipped disc. The doctor has advised extreme caution and care now. Is slipped disc a lifetime condition or does it get resolved on its own?

7 Answers

No disc can heal.
The answer is yes and no. Once your disc is slipped that instability is there for life. However, it is not always symptomatic. Imaging can show your PT which direction the disc has slipped. In the absence of imaging, your symptoms can help inform your PT as to what likely direction your disc has slipped. They can then instruct you in exercises to decrease your symptoms. But the doctor is correct in informing you to be careful. In the absence of a traumatic injury most slipped disc are due to repetitivd poor body mechanics over time. You will want to get training from your PT on propper body mechanics to reduce stress on your back.
No Slipped disc is not a lifetime condition. Pain And symptoms can get better with physical therapy , proper postural education and good biomechanics.

Please feel to contact us @ 8043966753 or visit us if PT appointment needed.
Sometimes it gets all better with medication and physical therapy, and sometimes you need to have surgery, it really depends on the severity and the direction of herniated disc ,but in case it's still very acute you need to rest and take your pain medication and muscles relaxants.
It depends on your symptoms. Usually in acute cases, it might cause a lot of discomfort, but with using anti-inflammatory and physical therapy, it will get a lot better, but you have to be careful about lifting, bending, and twisting for at least the time being.
Pain from a "slipped disc" typically resolves on its own, however, you will always be vulnerable to re-injury due to segmental weakness in that section of your spine. See a PT for a proper exercise program.
There are multiple stages of a disc herniation. It depends on what stage of herniation you have as to whether or not it will resolve with conservative treatments. Get to your local PT and get an evaluation to stage your condition and get started on an appropriate home program.