Anesthesiologist Questions Anesthesiologist

Is spinal anesthesia painful?

I am a 34 year old female. I want to know if spinal anesthesia is painful?

5 Answers

Should not they should you give you some relaxing medicine but if not it is a smaller needle in thickness than IV
Before spinal puncture, local anesthesia is injected, so discomfort is minimal. In the hands of a specialist, it will be quick and easy.
Spinal anesthesia requires placing needle between your back bone to inject medication so it hurts as much as a needle will hurt.Most of the time we numb the skin before we place the spinal so hopefully it will be much tolerable
Spinal anesthesia involves sterile skin preparation, then insertion of a very tiny needle into the superficial skin of your back for injection of a local anesthetic that may sting and burn, but only for a few seconds; the insertion of the spinal needle, dosing of the spinal local anesthetic, and the surgery you will undergo will all be completely painless.
Most patients I have had say it is much easier than the IV, so I would say not painful. Had it once myself and it was not painful.


Christopher Creighton