Neurologist Questions Neurologist

Is walking good for neuropathy?

I am a 50 year old male and I have neuropathy. Is walking good for neuropathy?

8 Answers

Yes over time can increase blood flow and new blood vessels formed then the blood can repair the nerve.
Actually, if you have neuropathy and cannot feel if your shoes are appropriately fitting or cutting into your skin, it can be detrimental in that sense. As far as exercise and maintaining function stamina and coordination, yes it is an excellent form of exercise. For nerve health specifically it is recommended to take Vitamin B12 supplementation.
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Regular exercise, such as walking three times a week, can reduce neuropathy pain, improve muscle strength and help control blood sugar levels.
Walking is good for anything and everything, however, it won't cure neuropathy. There aren't too many known cures yet, but if you find the underlying cause, you can definitely stop the progression. My recommendation is a full physical by a trusted doctor. For pain management, I would put on compression garments on the area and see if that helps.
Walking is definitely good for neuropathy.
Walking is great exercise for most conditions including neuropathy. It will increase blood flow to the affected nerves. However keep in mind that these nerves are frail and have diminished capability of working normally . Therefore prudence should guide the ammount of walking to be done. As soon as you feel distressing pain and or weakness you should stop and rest or call it a day and try again the following day. Gradual build up is the idea. Proper nutrition and maintenance stability on any and all underlying medical condition(s) is crucial.
Yes, but it depends on the shoes worn when walking. Tight shoes will make it worse.

George Bone