Orthopedics Questions Orthopedics

Knee pain?

Hello my name is Matthew. Exactly 8 days ago, my right inner knee began bothering me with pain, stiffness, and swelling. Now it is much worse especially when I first wake up out of bed. Ironically, my right shoulder is painful for about an hour mainly when I attempt to raise it. I did fall about 7 weeks ago but I had no problems until now which may not even be related. If you could just give me your opinion or some advice that I may ask my doctor, I would appreciate it. I'm worried that this may be an autoimmune arthritis disorder because of how it progressed and, I was diagnosed with Guillen Barre Syndrome in 2011 which you obviously know is an immune disorder. Thank You, Matt.

Male | 56 years old
Complaint duration: 8 days
Medications: Metoprolol, Vimpatt, Effexor
Conditions: GBS, Chronic Pain ( Fractured neck (C4/C/5)

3 Answers

Go and see an experienced Orthopaedic surgeon
It is possible that it has a rheumatological cause. It's better to see a rheumatologist first.
If no injury, then likely inflammation. Motrin and ice may help. A steroid injection would be next. An exam may be needed to see if MRI is needed for cartilage problem. Shoulder could be rotator cuff related.