Physiatrist (Physical Medicine) Questions Sciatica

I am having a lot of pain around my hips and buttocks. Could it be sciatica?

I am having a lot of pain around my right hip and buttock area. This pain is constant whether I am sitting or standing. Could it be sciatica?

6 Answers

Sciatica is used as a catch-all phrase for many causes of pain that starts in the low back or buttocks and travels down the back of the leg. So, the pain you described is not sciatica. However it may be pain caused by a pinched nerve, which is what may cause sciatica as well.

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Yes, it could be, but you must get a definitive diagnosis first. I would see a physiatrist to have a complete examination. It may require X-rays, an MRI, etc. It’s always best to find the underlying cause.
Yes it can, definitely go get it checked out
Doubtful, as sciatica would cause pain down the back of the leg, down to the knee. See your doc to get an X-ray as this sounds more like a narrowing at the low back or arthritic facets
You need to be examined by a doctor. I could not give diagnosis without physical examinations. No doctor can.

Yours sincerely,
Linda Li, MD
There are many causes to these symptoms. Very commonly, it can come from your lumbar spine (where the sciatica nerve originate), but also can be referred from the lumbar discs if there is a tear in them. Also, directly from the hips or SI joint - you would need a physical examination and most likely a lumbar MRI depending on severity. Platelet rich plasma could potentially help this.