Chiropractor Questions Sciatica

What can be done for my sciatica?

I have a sharp shooting pain along my thigh, and I think this is my sciatica causing me to have several issues. It hurts so much that I can barely walk some times. I need to have this treated ASAP. What is the usual treatment for sciatica pain? Will the pain come back after treatment?

14 Answers

Cortisone injections can be helpful in the beginning of care, especially if the pain is very severe. I will usually recommend a series of adjustments in an effort to relieve irritation of the sciatic nerve. Injuries like that tend to return if you don’t take care of it and/or receive regular care. That’s why I often recommend regular check-ups to maintain progress.
Sciatic pain can be caused by several conditions. You may have a spinal disc issue that can be treated in several ways. You may have nerve entrapment of the sciatic nerve within the Piriformis muscle, also treatable. There may be a soft tissue mass putting pressure on the nerve roots causing your pain. A thorough exam can help identify what condition is most likely and the treatment appropriate to that condition would be discussed with you during your visit. It is possible that chiropractic care can help your condition, however without an exam it would be impossible to tell. The pain can return after any treatment, whether chiropractic or allopathic in nature.
In our office, we do Chiropractic, physical therapy and perhaps spinal decompression for sciatica caused by a disc or facet impingement.
Sciatica can be caused by many reasons. It can happen with pressure on the nerve from a bone, a muscle, or the disc. They are treated differently. The doctor will have to determine the cause.
An exam and X-ray are needed to determine the correct course of care.
Treatment is determined by the primary pain generator. This strategy attacks the cause of the symptoms. Chronic symptoms can be treated at home with heat, NSAIDs, and stretching but if this is unhelpful an evaluation is in order.
The usual Chiropractic treatment for sciatica includes adjustments to the pelvis and low back, some soft tissue therapy if needed, and home care exercises to prevent further aggravation.
So, pain shooting down the legs/sciatica, in my opinion, generally comes from pinched nerves in the lower back. I treat people for these symptoms every day. I would recommend going and getting assessed by a chiropractor to see what they can do for you. Relief comes at different speeds.
The sciatic nerve is the longest nerve in the body exiting between several lumbar vertebrae and the sacrum traveling down the leg all the way to the foot. When it becomes inflamed due to compression from the disc, the pain can be excruciating and make it difficult to walk. The chiropractic treatment is to remove the pressure from the nerve root and decrease any inflammation and disc swelling. Depending on many factors such as your age, overall health, how long you’ve had the condition, etc., will determine how long it will take to get better. Some patients get well quickly and the sciatica never comes back. It all depends on what you do to heal yourself and how frequently you go for treatments. Talk to your chiropractor about any concerns you may have. Do core strengthening exercises to assist in your progress. There is a light at the end of the tunnel.
Depending on the level of intensity, you may need to go to the emergency room. Depending on the chiropractor, there are several ways to treat the pain. It ranges from decompression to physiotherapy to alleviate pain. You may require additional evaluation to rule out a possible disc issue that may give you a greater chance of recurring pain. Chiropractic would be a great non-invasive approach.
Hi, if it is a recurring pain, you need to consult with your doctor and you might benefit from Physical therapy treatment. If you already had PT treatment before and your previous PT gave you Home Exercises, I will recommend for you to continue doing it. If symptoms persist, you might need another PT evaluation and treatment to address your concerns. Thank you.
There are several causes for sciatica. True sciatica is a pain that runs down the back of the leg following the sciatic nerve (some people call it their psychotic nerve). This is generally caused by a bulging disk. Many disk problems are successfully resolved by chiropractic treatment. In several studies chiropractic is the treatment of choice. Pain on the outside of the thigh is probably coming from another cause. You need a good chiropractor who can differentiate the cause and apply the proper treatment. Treatment usually consist of a series of chiropractic adjustments. The worse the problem, the longer the course of treatment, generally. Often other therapies will be needed including physical therapy, exercise, diet, nutrition, and acupuncture. If it is a disk problem and the doctor can decrease the bulging then the problem will not return unless the patient does something else to cause it to bulge again like lifting wrong or too much weight. If the patient has waited too long and there is much degeneration then a regimen of wellness care getting adjustments once or twice a month will usually keep the symptoms minimized or absent.

Chiropractic treatment has been an effective treatment of sciatica for numerous patients. Spinal decompression has also been a useful treatment to relieve the symptoms of sciatica.


Chiropractic care has proven to be very effective with sciatica. It is commonly caused by two conditions that sometimes occur at the same time but not often, lumbopelvic misalignment and/or a disc problem. The sciatic nerve is formed by 5 spinal nerves, 2 from the lumbar spine and 3 from the sacrum (tailbone). Chiropractic treatment can alleviate the pain and keep it under control. Once the condition is under control it is possible it can flare up on occasions but usually one or two follow up treatments will take care of it.