“My mole looks like it changed colors. Is this melanoma?”
My mole on my arm turned into a different color. It was once brown but now it's black--or it seems black. Could this mean that it's cancerous?
5 Answers
Changing colors in a mole, particularly darkening, is considered a warning sign of possible malignant change within the mole. It would be extremely wise to seek dermatologic consultation, so that the mole can be examined under magnification, with the aid of a surface microscope, known as a dermatoscope, and sent for biopsy to rule out the possibility of the development of malignant melanoma (a very serious form of cancer) should this be deemed necessary. This should be checked out asap.
This is one of the signs of skin cancer. You need to see a dermatologist as soon as possible.
Suzanne Sirota Rozenberg, DO, FAOCD
Suzanne Sirota Rozenberg, DO, FAOCD