Neurologist Questions Neurologist

My son has headaches every day after school?

My 15 year old son has headaches every day after school. How can I help him?

3 Answers

Check about his sleep. 15 yo should sleep about 8-9 hours. If he has adequate and good quality sleep, then keep a diary to see the pattern of his sleep, triggers, relieving factors, frequency, duration etc. Seek doctor's appointment for further evaluation. If waking up in the middle of night with headache, go see doctor STAT.
Make sure the eyesight is fine first, that he is being well hydrated also
Any family history of migraines? Does he have a long bus ride? Is he eating lunch? Has his vision been checked? All these things would need to be done to see what the cause is. There is preventative meds if it is a migraine.