Endocrinology-Diabetes Questions Pregnancy

Pregnancy after thyroidectomy

I had my thyroid removed due to cancer and my thyroxin and tsh levels have been all over the place ever since. Only 3 weeks ago my tsh was extremely high and I was given a higher dose of thyroxin but I've just found out that I'm 4 weeks pregnant (conceived 2 weeks ago) and I am so scared. This is my 5th child and I really want it but I'm hearing terrible scary stories that I will probably miscarry.

Female | 37 years old
Complaint duration: 2 weeks
Medications: Levothyroxine 175 mg
Conditions: Hypothyroidism

5 Answers

During this time, I recommend you working very closely with an endocrinologist and have your thyroid labs monitored in short intervals and medication doses adjusted frequently or as needed to get you to the optimal levels for pregnancy. Please do not have a PCP or even OB manage your thyroid function.
What type of thyroid cancer, treatment for this cancer are important questions. Pregnancy is safe after thyroid economy. Keeping the thyroxin level adjusted is not usually difficult. Sometimes it's does take readjustments. I would refer you to a perinatologist immediately since they are experts in this type of pregnancy issue. Once stabilized you may resume seeing your general Ob.
Many women with thyroid dysfunction have pregnancies. The key to having success is taking your thyroid hormone everyday and regular checking of thyroid hormone levels to ensure they are at the right level for the baby to grow appropriately. Continue to take thyroxine and see your OBGYN right away.

Dr. Swartzlander
Follow up carefully with a medical endocrinologist. Your doctor will be able to get tab levels wnl.
Don't be scared. See an endocrinologist who specializes in thyroid disease for control. If the thyroid is controlled, there is no more fear of miscarriage than expected in others your age. Thyroid needs to change during pregnancy, so see a knowledgable physician to manage the problem & check the values frequently as they do change as pregnancy progresses. Good luck!!