Internist Questions Tessalon Perles

Side effects of Tessalon Perles?

Just wondering if the Tessalon Perles will actuallly numb my throat? I have had my throat numbed before for a scope procedure and it made me very anxious and claustrophobic.

2 Answers

No, they shouldn’t unless they are chewed or dissolved in the mouth, then numbing of the mouth and throat could occur and lead to choking. This is the reason why it is advised that the capsules be swallowed whole.
No, not at all. It is a (very good) suppressor of the cough reflex. Good for when you have a cough that isn't bringing up anything and just irritates your upper airways, making them more irritable so you cough more...If you're still worried, carry a cold drink with you and suck on hard candy--same effect and it won't make you drowsy.