General Practitioner Questions Hives

Suffering with hives runs in my family.

My 11 month old son is completely covered in a red, blotchy, spot like rash and he is constantly scratching and itching to the point of making himself bleed. He has an underlying medical issue and finished a course of antibiotics on Monday. We have seen a nurse practitioner and an out of hours GP over the last 2 days and have both said completely different things. One said it’s not viral and yesterday’s GP said it is a viral infection. He is already having 2.5ml of piriton twice a day but it doesn’t seem to be helping at all. Suffering with hives runs in my family.

Complaint duration: 6
Medications: Piriton
Conditions: Thymolimpoma

3 Answers

This could be a viral rash versus and allergic reaction to the medication. Stop the medication and give benadryl every 4 hours for 24 hours. If the rash is gone , it probably was an allergic reaction and try to avoid this medication. If it does make a difference, It is most likely viral. He would need rechecking if the rash persists. Keep hydrated.
This rash is not a viral infection and is most likely related to the illness that he has, thymolipoma, and needs to be seen by the specialist who is treating him for this condition.
Difficult issue. The best treatment for this condition is individual, then you will have to try various skin creams/lotions that are tailor-made for such skin rashes. You should ally yourself with a pediatric dermatologist as close as possible to you so that you will be on the same wavelength regarding availability of these preparations in your local area. Better healthcare plans offer instructional courses for families with these types of issues. Ask around, there is probably something in your area.