Hematologist (Blood Specialist) Questions Iron Deficiency Anemia

Taper off a prescription?

Hi, I was diagnosed with Iron Deficiency Anemia in 2009 and was prescribed Ferrocite Plus (Hematinic) once daily.

As long as I am taking the pill, labs consistently report "normal" Hemoglobin levels and, therefore, no anemia; but, if I stop taking the pill, the symptoms I first had that led to being prescribed the pill always return:

Persistent hunger, dizziness, and lack of concentration,

However, the pill still is very strong and the first few minutes of taking it gives me dizziness and nausea. I never take it and then lie down.

Is there a safe way to taper off of it and supply myself nutritionally with the ingredients that it contains instead? If so, what nutrients would I need and how many servings?

I don't want to have to remain on the pill lifelong unless there's no alternative, I appreciate your advice.

Thank you.

Female | 35 years old
Complaint duration: 2009
Medications: Ferrocite Plus
Conditions: Anemia

1 Answer

Following cbc and iron studies should be used to guide iron therapy for women who have a heavy periods with iron deficiency may need to stay on iron. If oral iron could not be tolerated, iron through IV should be considered.