Hematologist (Blood Specialist) | Hematology Questions Vitamin B12

vitamin b12 is high

My vitamin b12 level is at 1626. The highest within range is 1245. I am not taking any b12 supplements. History of Hodgkin's lymphoma. I have depression and anxiety which I am taking lexapro for.
Any cause for concern? What can this indicate?

Female | 30 years old
Complaint duration: 10
Medications: lexapro lamictal latuda

1 Answer

It can indicate a couple of different things: It can be elevated due to high level of vitamin B12 binding protein in serum which usually happens in the setting of chronic inflammation If you are anemic, especially if your "MCV" is elevated, it would be prudent to check a blood test called "methylmalonic acid" to make sure you are not B12 deficient. Sometimes B12 levels can be very high while you are actually B12 deficient because of the presence of antibodies against vitamin B12 binder in your body which interfere with the blood test. This is usually associated with chronic gastritis or inflammation of stomach wall Hope that helps?