Rheumatologist Questions Rheumatologist

What are the symptoms of gout?

I know that gout is a common affliction on my husbands side of the family. What are the symptoms of gout?

4 Answers

The symptoms of gout include sudden and severe pain, often occurring in the middle of the night or early morning. Typically, this pain is localized and affects specific joints, such as the big toe, ankle, or knee. The affected joints become tender, swollen, and warm to the touch. Additionally, individuals may experience limited range of motion and discomfort that makes even light pressure intolerable. Gout symptoms are often intermittent and can last for days or weeks before subsiding. Furthermore, recurrent gout attacks may lead to joint damage and joint deformities over time.

Here are some great websites for you to check out:
As a pediatric rheumatologist. I encourage you to seek an adult rheumatologist for further questions/clarification. Gout doesn't exist in pediatric patients.
Serious joint pain with redness and swelling
Good afternoon,

Gout is a condition caused by elevated uric acid levels in the body that have a tendency to deposit in joints of individuals thereafter setting up significant inflammatory response. This causes severe pain, redness and swelling in the affected joint and is often described as the MOST painful joint process known to man. Typically, the base of the big toe is the most common joint affected but other joints such as the knees could be affected. It can also be associated with certain triggers such as beer, shellfish and red meat. It is important to note that just having elevated uric acid levels in the blood is not diagnostic of gout as in a lot of people joint inflammation does not occur or develop. It is only when there is elevated uric acid level in the blood and inflammation within the joint due to uric acid crystals is the diagnosis gout. There are treatments for gout and in case of suspicion or concern I would urge you to discuss further with your primary care physician or rheumatologist.

I hope the above information helps.