Neurologist Questions Neurology

What are the treatment options for nerve damage?

I am a 34 year old male and my finger nerve was damaged. What are the treatment options for nerve damage?

3 Answers

Stem cell
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Depends on how much damage was done and how long it has been. Generally, if it is treated early by a specialized hand surgeon, they can put a lot back together. Other wise, if there is pain, there are many good medications for that, most of which are anti-seizure medications. They do the same thing in the brain and in the finger, and that is to keep irritated or damaged nerves from firing off when they shouldn’t. Narcotics are generally not effective because nerve pain is too intense to be covered up and narcotics do nothing to stop the damaged nerves from firing. For functional use in the finger, again seeing a specialized orthopedic hand surgeon for an opinion on whether there is any surgical procedures that would help the function, and also occupational therapists are amazing with techniques and tools that can bring back function.