Physiatrist (Physical Medicine) Questions Physiatrist

What can I do about my wrist pain?

I am a 27-year-old office worker and I have had wrist pain for 2 months. Should I see a doctor?

2 Answers

Yes, 2 months is a long time and you should get diagnosed. It would be beneficial for you to wear a brace in the meantime to prevent any further damage. Seeing a physical therapist would also be very beneficial as they can provide a home exercise program for you to decrease your pain.
Seeing this has been ongoing for 2 months, I definitely support your instinct to see your doctor. Do you work at a desk? Consider taking some photos of your workstation to bring with you. If you live in a direct-access state, you may also visit a physical therapist, who may conduct a Rapid Office Strain Assessment (ROSA), to gauge whether your seat positioning, desk height, elbow-to-shoulder angles, etc. are contributing to your wrist pain.