OB-GYN (Obstetrician-Gynecologist) Questions OB-GYN

What can I drink besides water while pregnant?

I am a 26 year old pregnant female. I want to know what can I drink besides water while pregnant?

6 Answers

Coconut water is an acceptable alternative. If the taste of water is an issue, you may soak some slices of fruit (lemon, cucumber, etc.) overnight to add flavor (yet very few calories) and it makes a very healthy, refreshing drink.
Water is good but also milk and real unsweetened fruit juicses. Limit caffeine and eliminate alcohol.
You can drink water, milk (any fat level and including almond milk, soy milk and coconut milk), juice (fruit or veg), decaf hot drinks, pop (sparingly as you don't need the sugar or caffeine). The 'what you should not drink' list is shorter. You should not drink alcoholic beverages (including beer and wine) to avoid fetal alcohol syndrome or more subtle brain and learning problems. You should have no more than 1 caffeinated drink per day (regular size, not venti). There is some data that suggests caffeine may be linked to miscarriage. I would not recommend large quantities of diet soda, as it is all chemicals. The other important part of this is total calories consumed. Drinks other than water can have a lot of calories. You are not "eating for two" in a pregnancy, you are eating for 1 1/2. That tiny fetus isn't using the calories you do. If you are eating more food and don't want excess weight gain in pregnancy, don't drink a lot of high calorie drinks.

Make your water more interesting by adding cucumber or lemon or lime. If you do drink fruit juice, water it down if you want a big glass. Most importantly, stay hydrated!
You can have seltzer, iced tea, lemonade, or juices, just make sure to not drink too many sugary things/beverages loaded with caffeine.
Generally a good source of electrolyte drink is satistactory. This may include old fashion getorade or coconut water. Also a decaffeinated tea with limited amount of sugar(provided you are not a diabetic) may help. Certainly abstain from alcohol and alcoholic beverages. High fructose drinks are not recommended.
Well, assuming you don't have diabetes, you can drink everything that you can buy at a grocery store (except alcohol). If you are a diabetic, you should limit the amount of sugary drinks including fruit juice.

Joseph A. Adashek, MD FACOG