“What can be done for my chronic severe nerve pain?”
I've been experiencing nerve pain for the past 5 months in my shoulder and it's so unbearable. Is there anything that can be done for this? Surgery? Medicine?
5 Answers
Yes, both could be options but first you need a diagnosis. You should have an mri for evaluation of the cervical spine and the shoulder
The ideology of your chronic pain needs to be answered first as this is a non-specific condition. There are some conditions that lead to chronic nerve pain that can be managed through surgery or medical therapy. Again this would be best answered by your surgeon
Has "nerve pain" been diagnosed by a Physician? Shoulder pain depending upon your age is more likely to be bone/joint pain. Would see
your PCP to decide which sub specialist you may need to be referred to.
your PCP to decide which sub specialist you may need to be referred to.