Anesthesiologist Questions Anesthesia

What if my anesthesia stops working in the middle of the surgery?

I am having surgery in a few weeks. I have never been under anesthesia before, and I am terrified that it may wear off in the middle of the procedure. I have read many horror stories online, and am wondering if this is something I should be concerned about?

10 Answers

It is possible depending on the type of anesthesia and anesthesiologist.
If you are healthy, do not worry.
It’s highly unlikely you will be awake during a general anesthetic, though hearing sounds during surgery is possible. Usually during induction and emergence. People may hear sounds, but don’t describe pain.
Highly unusual. There is always an anesthesia caregiver in the room at all times administering the anesthesia on a contralto basis.
Won't happen. It's not a parking meter. You will be asleep until you're surgeon is finished.
The internet will always be a haven for horror stories concerning everything. The large majority of people get anesthesia with no issues. I would discuss this for reassurance the day of surgery.
Don't believe everything you read. It's extremely rare and even more rare in the U.S. There are many ways to know when anesthetics are running low way before you would wake up. Rest easy, everything will be fine.
Having anesthesia wear off in the middle of surgery is extremely unlikely. I am surprised that you could read many horror stories online since this occurs so infrequently. When I have had anesthesia myself, I did not worry about this and all went well. Any anesthetic carries risk, but inadequate anesthesia is one of the lesser risks of any.
Anesthesia is administered continually throughout the operation. Hence, anesthesia should never "wear off."

The gas anesthetic agents are run continuously during the operation. The only way it would stop working is if it runs out of gas or they have to decrease the amount significantly due to you not tolerating the agent. Those situations are extremely unlikely if you are otherwise healthy and the anesthesiologist is paying attention.