Urologist Questions Urologist

What is it?

Hi I'm 21 I have a big issue with my penis glans (dry and redness, no itch, no pain). I went to specialists 5 times but they can't solve my problem. I was treated on a fungal infection but there wasn't any change. I'm close to giving up. Please tell me what is it and how can I cure this.

Male | 21 years old
Complaint duration: 6 months
Medications: Triderm,cutibaza

3 Answers

Try applying coconut oil extra virgin to the head of the penis three times a day. That will restore the moisture and integrity of the skin and will also help to prevent fungal infections that it seems that you may have had.
Pearly penile papules typically are asymptomatic and require no therapy. If it persists, consult a dermatologist.
This may be a skin condition for a possible super infection. I would start with antibiotics as well as an antifungal orally and topically. If that does not work, then you need a biopsy to confirm that you do not have a in condition known as a Bowen’s disease.

Dr. Niko Lailas