“What will happen if a pinched nerve goes untreated?”
I am a 29 year old male and I have a pinched nerve in my neck. What will happen if a pinched nerve goes untreated?
7 Answers
This is difficult to answer because there is missing context relative to your situation. In general, symptoms from a pinched nerve will heal as does almost any other injury. This can take 3-5months but this is range. Symptoms sometimes linger or persist beyond this range when healing is incomplete. What will happen depends on the extent of the injury. That is, how much it is affecting the nerve, your function and your quality of life. Life can go back to normal or worse case scenario is that you can have a disabling injury. Without a proper exam and diagnostic tests, a clear prognosis is not possible.
If you truly have a pinched nerve in your neck, if gone untreated you will lose feeling in your arm and/or hand, and you will lose muscle strength and muscle mass, until you can no longer use it.
Having said that, it is unlikely that you have a pinched nerve, but you should get it checked out. If you are having neck pain, you have a problem that needs to be treated. Find a chiropractor that will take a good history and do a comprehensive exam. This lead toward proper diagnosis and treatment.
Having said that, it is unlikely that you have a pinched nerve, but you should get it checked out. If you are having neck pain, you have a problem that needs to be treated. Find a chiropractor that will take a good history and do a comprehensive exam. This lead toward proper diagnosis and treatment.
A pinched nerve may never resolve if untreated. The pain may also dissipate on its own, although the dysfunction of the joints causing the pinched nerve will not fix itself without professional care.
A pinched nerve is a sign of a greater structural and neurological problem. If it’s left untreated it could lead to degeneration in the spine as well as nerve damage.
The question that needs to be answered is what is causing the "pinching" and what needs to be done to treat it properly for the best results. I don't like using the term "pinched nerve". Pain does not mean the nerve is "pinched". If the nerve is actually "pinch" it is a possible surgical case. Even if the nerve is in a position where it appears to be trapped on an MRI or CAT doesn't mean it is "pinched". The condition needs to be assessed on how the nerve is functioning. Pain is not the best criteria for assenting function. However, nerves are aggravated many times and may be associated with a lot of pain and yet respond quickly to Chiropractic treatment.