Pediatrician Questions Ear pain

What's causing persistent ear pain?

My 10 year old son's ears have been aching for more than a week. What could be causing it? Should we take him to a doctor?

3 Answers

There are many reasons causing ear pain. If the pain has been persistent for a week, it's time to see his pediatrician.
Ear pain can be because of few reasons. If your child has history of seasonal allergies or has a cold lately then sometimes fluid accumulates behind the ear drum and over a period of time can cause an infection. Ear pain can also be from an outer ear infection especially in children who are swimming. Sometimes children have referred pain to the ear especially if they have any tooth issues. If pain has been there for 10 days, he should be looked at by a doctor.
You should take him to a Doctor. This can be otitis media, external otitis or referred pain from the mouth or teeth. But if it has gone on a week he should be checked