Gastroenterologist Questions Gastroenterologist

Why do I get stomach aches in the morning?

I am a 29 year old male and I get stomach aches in the morning. What could be the cause?

3 Answers

Early morning stomach pain can be a sign of overnight acid secretion and ulcers. It may also be a sign of constipation.
Not enough information provided in order for me to make a solid conclusion, but if I had to guess, based on your age and assuming you have no other medical problems, most people with pain in the morning have what's called dyspepsia. It's a hypersensitivity of the stomach, often exacerbated by stress or anxiety. An EGD is usually done to rule out inflammatory conditions, ulcers, H. pylori, etc., but dyspepsia is high on the list of possibilities. Dyspepsia used to be grouped under "functional GI disorders," but now they are called "Disorders of Brain-Gut Interaction." A good GI doctor should be able to sort it out for you.
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A multitude of reasons are possible so I suggest that you visit a specialist and get the diagnosis confirmed.