Orthopedist Questions Orthopedist

Why does my elbow hurt to extend?

I am a 30 year old male and my elbow hurts to extend. What could be the cause?

1 Answer

There are several things that can cause elbow pain with extension depending on the location of the pain. Most common if the pain is in the front of the elbow would be biceps tendinitis. If it’s more towards the outer part of your elbow than its lateral epicondylitis or tennis elbow and if it’s more on the medial side or inside of your elbow then it’s golfers elbow or medial epicondylitis. If it’s in the back of the elbow it’s likely due to some triceps tendinitis or if you had previous trauma possibly from early arthritis that this is less likely. Sometimes throwers in sports will get some posterior lateral of pain with extension called impingement. The treatment is generally trying to figure out what caused the problem rest it as much as possible ice it light massage and then work on Eccentric stretching exercises for the tendon involved. Good luck and I hope this helps a little if the pain persists you probably should see an orthopedic surgeon.