Dentist Questions Dentist

Why is my left front tooth longer than the right tooth?

My left front teeth is longer than the right teeth. When I bite down my right teeth are touching my bottom teeth however the longer one slightly overlaps. Do you think I should get the shorter one filled to be the same length and then reshape it? Please help me.

Female | 16 years old

3 Answers

A small amount of enameloplasty (reshaping the enamel) can be done to make you happy with the shape of your tooth. As long as it's done gradually and not to an extreme amount, you have plenty of enamel and it should not cause any harm to your tooth.
Could be because of misalignment. Simple braces can fix the problem. It should be a simple fix probably.
I would recommend you see your family dentist to ask for an Orthodontist referral to evaluate the situation. There are many reasons for teeth may not have the same “lengths” or feel different when you bite down which is referred as occlusion. GP and specialist are most likely work well together to come up with the best treatment plan for patients. Best of luck to you!