Neurologist Questions Atypical Parkinson's

Why are Parkinson's neurologists so reluctant to diagnose atypical Parkinson's?

I am a disabled emergency room RN who has had Parkinson's Plus for 13 years. My question is why do so many neurologists refuse to acknowledge this condition? I go to John Hopkins now where they are well aware and I was diagnosed on my first visit 5 years ago. I have had a DAT spect scan to confirm my diagnosis. Before that I thought I was crazy. I imagine there are a lot of others like me.

Female | 65 years old
Complaint duration: 13 years
Medications: Rytary,Nuplazid, levothyroxine, Cymbalta, Lamictal, Ativan, and Protonix
Conditions: Parkinson's and Hashimoto's thyroiditis

1 Answer

It may be it mimics other conditions but the more widespread use of scans may improve diagnostic precision.