My Diagnosis Story

Susan Forday: My Diagnosis Story
Susan Forday Breast Cancer

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What symptoms led up to your diagnosis?

Felt like a strained muscle earlier.  Busy so hadn't checked my breasts for weeks.

What tests did your doctor do, and what was this experience like?

Had regular Mammogram followed by needle biopsy which was uncomfortable.

Upon learning about your diagnosis, what happened next?

My daughter cried but I knew I had to stay strong as an ex nurse. We saw a surgeon, lovely man, who arranged surgery. My mastectomy went well and I had 2 drains in for 2 days.  I had 1/2 of my lymph nodes removed as a precaution. Some fluid reaccumulated in the remaining breast tissue and needed to be drained. I learned how to do massage to drain the fluid.As I was Her2 positive I had chemotherapy which I tolerated well. I had severe tiredness. My daughter fed me good nutritious meals.It took a long time till I felt I had 80 % of my energy back but still tire easily. I am taking tablets to decrease my Oestrogen level.