I'm Not Losing my Mind

I'm Not Losing my Mind
Donna Bliss Lyme Disease

I currently deal with chronic health issues from 2 bouts of Lyme Disease, which has changed my immune system, energy levels, and continues to cause joint pain. I've always been ridiculously fit. I'm now going on 56 years old, and am a single mom after being married for 23 years. And over the past 2 years, I've gained...

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I thought I was losing my mind. Life's had quite a few rough spots but I am a tough cookie. I was exhausted. Painfully tired. Every joint in my body hurt, headaches were constant, and getting out of bed was a huge task. 

The thought of going to the doctor's was exhausting but I finally went. The roller coaster began. My immune system was compromised and every auto-immune disease under the sun was thrown out my way. They finally determined I had West Niles and Rheumatoid Arthritis. Only, I didn't. I had Lyme Disease. And it was taking a toll on me. When my entire body broke out into swollen angry blistering hives, they admitted me into the hospital for what they were still saying was West Niles. 

According to CDC, Up to 20 percent of Lyme disease cases can cause long term symptoms, including arthritis in the joints, cognitive difficulties, chronic fatigue, and sleep disturbances, even after antibiotic treatment. It seemed I had all of those symptoms but the most upsetting one was my inability to process and recall information. I thought it was early onset Alzheimer's. Apparently, it was the Lyme. The first round of antibiotics was not effective. They tried something else. Put me on steroids. It took a long time to get well. 

After 2 years we were able to get a handle on it and life began to slowly go back to normal. With a few exceptions. 

More on this later.