
Is there anything that I can do at home for carpal tunnel?

I was diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome recently, and I just wanted to know if there was anything I can do to treat this at home? See how our experts answer.


Breast Cancer?

I've had lumps since I was 20 years old, now I'm 26 with two kids, I've got it checked thru breast ultrasound it was found to be fibrocystic cysts the same result with the biopsy....


How do you handle the stress of being a social worker?

I am a 21 year old female in college. I was wondering how do you handle the stress of being a social worker? Learn more from our experts.


Fruits on golo diet

Can ALL fruits be eaten, high sugar, ex: pineapple, grapes Do you have to exercise? I have COPD.


Throat infection

I'm 25 years old and my concern is I'm having throat problems for over a week. It feels like I have a lump in my throat. I can see a small lump type something outside on my neck not so big very very small. I don't have any severe pain or difficulty in speaking or eating or anything its just that I'm worried as it's not going away it feels like something is stuck. Im taking ibuprofen for now and i feel revealed once i take the tablet.It comes and goes.Is ot something that i should worry about and if you could tell me some medication for it it would be a great help.The pain doesn't happen after I wake up it happens later on and one other thing is I smoke.


How is the air quality in planes?

I am a 25 year old female. I want to know how is the air quality in planes? Learn more from our experts.


Can animal allergies cause rashes on one's skin?

My son is 7, and has an allergy to dog and cat hair. Can you get a rash from an allergic reaction to an animal? See how our experts answer this question.


What is the treatment for a balance problem?

According to an ENT specialist, I am having some issues in my ear pertaining to balance. This helps explain why I always felt off-balance, but what does treatment involve.



I have had dizziness for 2 years and had everything checked. They can’t seem to find anything. This disrupts my daily life dramatically and have been told its just anxiety, I’ve seen therapists it has only mildly got better but it still is hard to do anything. It happens mostly when I stand for long periods of time, and I just want to get back to work.


What is the connection between a topic dermatitis and HRAD?

My son is 5 months old and has atopic dermatitis. In a recent bout of cold he was given nebulazation due to excess wheezing. The doctors said he has hyper reactive airways