
Losing a lot of unexplained weight

I got diagnosed with type 2 on Xmas 2022 was given metformin. My blood sugar stays high. Since then I lost 65lbs. I stay thirsty & pee a lot & I stay tired. I’m very scared...


Is using Q-tips dangerous for your ears?

I am a 28 year old female and I use Q-tips almost every night. Learn more from our experts.


Is there an increase in spousal violence during the pandemic?

I am a 35 year old female. I want to know is there an increase in spousal violence during the pandemic? Learn more from our experts.


Can you wear regular contacts if you have astigmatism?

I have astigmatism and want to wear contacts. Learn more from our experts.


What is the best diet for inflammation?

Because of RA, I suffer from bouts of inflammation and it is, at times, unbearable. Is there anything that I should be eating to avoid inflammation? Learn more from our experts.


What does anaphylactic shock look like?

We're very careful with keeping nuts away from her. But in case it ever happens, what are the first signs of anaphylactic shock? See how our experts answer.


What are the side effects of a cortisone shot for heel spur?

I have a heel spur. Learn more from our experts.


What are some safe natural ways to treat acid reflux?

I frequently get acid reflux because of my diet. Are there natural ways to get rid of acid reflux? What do you recommend? See how our experts answer.


I am having a dull pain in my gums while chewing food. Could it be sign of an infection?

I am having a very strange dull pain when I chew my food and I was wondering if it could be the sign of a gum infection or what else it could be... What can I do?


Is massage therapy helpful after back surgery?

I am a 39 year old male. I had back surgery a few months ago. Learn more from our experts.