
How long do I need physical therapy?

I had back surgery three weeks ago and have been going to physical therapy. How long do I need to continue going?


My baby has swallowed his poop. Is it serious?

I delivered my baby yesterday. But, I'm told that he swallowed his poop while in the nursery and is currently in the NICU. The doctors say it is not a big concern


Breast cancer

A doctor has noted a “suspicious” and “worrisome” mass in my right breast through ultrasound. He has ordered a needle biopsy to determine if the mass is indeed cancerous. Are...


What to do with potential allergen exposure?

I have a severe tree nut and peanut allergy. Learn more from our experts.


Should I take multiple medicines at the same time?

I have been prescribed Naproxen. Learn more from our experts.


What exercises can I do to avoid carpal tunnel?

My hand cramps up when I'm at work, and the pain is unbearable. Are there any exercises I can do to prevent it from developing? See how our experts answer.


Is it healthy to be on so many medications?

I am a 24 year old male. I wonder how healthy it is for so many people to be addicted to prescription pills. Learn more from our experts.


How can you perform massage therapy at home to alleviate stress?

I am a 23 year old female and I am stressed. Learn more from our experts.


My body

How long does a perocet 7. 5 stay in urine


How effective is Albuterol with asthma?

My 13-year-old daughter has asthma and her doctor has given her Albuterol to treat it. Is this an effective medicine for asthma? See how our experts answer.