Do You Need Future Breast Augmentations After Having One?

A study done by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons in the year 2007 suggested that breast augmentation was the most common surgery in America. Evidently, 347,524 women underwent the procedure in that year alone.
This increase in cases of breast augmentation has mostly been due to the undeniable positive impact it brings to the subject’s life. According to a number of studies, breast implants can help boost a woman’s self- esteem, sexual satisfaction, and body image.
However, the same studies have also emphasized the importance of going through a thorough screening prior to the surgery. It also encourages self-awareness among women who want to undergo the surgical procedure. The procedure may increase the chances of becoming suicidal in later years in women who have alcohol or psychiatric problems.
You have to make a very big decision when having a breast enlargement. There are a lot of risks to think about, and apart from this, results are not a guarantee, despite the surgery being very expensive. Breast enlargement includes insertion of implants to change the shape and size of the breasts or to make the breasts more even. Before you go for breasts enlargement, ensure you know why you want them, and take time to make your decision.
Future Breast Augmentation
At one point or another, all breast implants will break down. Currently no one knows how long the breast implants on market can take. For example, studies show that some silicone breast implants last up to 12 years, while others for as long as 15 years; however, some break only after a few months.
Studies by the FDA show that in 11 years most women have at least a broken implant. The risks of rupture continue as the years increase. In 21 percent of women, the silicone had moved out of the breast capsule, even without their knowledge.
Factors that speed up the need for another breast augmentation:
- Ruptured Implant
The most common types of implants are the saline and silicon filled implants. There are, however, other types of implants still undergoing studies in the USA. Whatever breaks the implants varies with different circumstances. Under any circumstance, whether a small or large tear, the saline or silicon solution will leak. The older the implants get, the more likely that, they will leak since they are exposed to wearing and tearing. Accidents can also cause rupture of the implants. If the implants are ruptured, one is likely to notice a decrease in size of the breast, breast pain, swelling, burning, and/or numbness. Most women can’t tell if their implants are ruptured, and therefore women are advised to get regular screenings to monitor their implants.
- Rippling
With time, the breast implant might start to ripple. Skinnier women are at a higher risk of experiencing the rippling. If you are skinnier, you should discuss this with your surgeon more often and attend to your breasts by screening them more often. Skinnier women experience rippling more, because the implants are simply filled bags, and the pressure can make them fold in on themselves. The tissue that was initially covering the breast may also move down a bit, showing the ripples even more. Saline solutions ripple more often, while silicone solutions ripple less often. Studies in America on breast implants of the ‘gummy bear implants’ tend to consider this fact, and they ripple the least.
- Hardening
This is a side effect that one may experience after undergoing a breast implant. The capsule of the breast contracts, and the immune system thus reacts to the foreign objects in the body, and scar tissue builds around the breast implant. Signs that there is such a reaction includes excessive pain and hardening. In case of such symptoms, you should visit or contact your surgeon as soon as possible.
What it involves
Breast implants are generally carried out under full and general anesthesia.
The operation always includes the following:
- Creating an incision around the breast
- Placing the implant between your chest muscle and breast tissue or behind your chest muscle
- Covering the incision with a dressing after getting it stitched
The operation may last for approximately 2 hours.
It is possible that you will be discharged on the same day if the surgery did not start late in the day. In case of any discomfort after the surgery, you may be issued with pain killers.
Choosing your implants
The most common type of implants in the USA is the silicone gel. Saline implants are always also readily available. Below we share a rough guide to implants, but you should thoroughly discuss and exhaust this with your surgeon before the procedure.
Silicone gel implants.
The silicone gel implants are filled with either firm or soft silicone gel. When the implants are filled with firmer gel, they are called cohesive breast implants. There is also polyurethane coating available in the market.
Silicone implants are less likely to wrinkle compared to the saline implants. When you have the a soft silicone implant, you are likely to have a natural feeling on your breast.
In case of silicone rupture, the victim is most likely to contract siliconomas in the case of a soft gel implant. It is rare in the case of a cohesive gel implant. More cohesive gel implants don’t feel as natural as the soft gel implants. The cohesive polyurethane-coated implants may temporarily trigger a skin reaction.
Saline solution implants.
In case of a rupture, saline implants always dissolve into the body or get safely excreted.
Saline solution gel implants often rupture earlier. This is because they deflate earlier and may lead to wrinkling and folding, making them less natural than soft silicone.
Where they are placed
It is important to discuss with your surgeon and decide on where to place them, but they are always strategically placed between the chest and the breast muscle or behind the muscle. This is the best place to place an implant because:
- It is the most natural place.
- There is not much discomfort immediately after the procedure.
- There is no damage to the chest muscle.
- There is more tissue coverage.
- There are fewer chances of rippling and capsular contraction.
How long do they last?
Breast implants always need replacing at some point or another. They are, for this reason, expensive, and getting breast implants requires keen observation and a bold decision with this fact in mind.
Recovery takes around six weeks, although you may need to take a week off of work if you don’t have a very heavy work schedule. It may take you two weeks to go back to work for moderately hard work and even more time off work for more strenuous work. Surgeons recommend you wear a cohesive bra daily for at least 3 months.
After one or two weeks:
The most commonly used stitches dissolve over time, but in any case, the stitches are removed at this point.
After some months:
You should start feeling a natural firmness of the breasts and stop using the cohesive chest wears.
What If I Need To Get My Implants Removed?
In case of complications, most women prefer to have their implants removed. Mostly surgeons discourage this, because most patients may be disappointed on how they look after the removal, or some parts of the discomfort may continue. Some doctors simply don't share the patient's reasoning for the removal of the implants.
In any case you have considered removal and have made up your mind, it is not necessarily the case that the surgeon who placed the implant is the best to remove it. Removal is always more complicated and expensive. Mostly, surgeons specialize, and the ones who specialize in reducing are very often more skilled than the ones who do the implantation.
Replacing Your Implants
In case a successful implant lasts for more than 10 years, it is a good idea to do a replacement or removal immediately or in the near future. Attend screenings to get your breasts checked for rupturing, and talk to your surgeon about your breast implant options.