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Dr. Angela R. Andrews, MD


Dr. Angela Andrews is a pediatrician practicing in Detroit, MI. Dr. Andrews is a doctor who specializes in the health care of children. As a pedicatrician, Dr. Andrews diagnoses and treats infections, injuries, diseases and other disorders in children. Pediatricians typically work with infants, children, teenagers and young adults up to age 21. They practice medical care as well as preventative health care. Dr. Andrews can oversee and manage the physical, mental and emotional health of their patients.
12 years Experience
Dr. Angela R. Andrews, MD
  • Michigan State University College of Human Medicine, East Lansing, MI
  • Accepting new patients

Why does my baby have green eye discharge?

Yes, I recommend taking your child to their doctor. - Dr. Andrews

Is it croup?

The patient needs to be seen and heard to really assess that.

Will irregular heartbeat go away?

It depends on the cause of the irregular heart beat. If it has not been evaluated, she should have an EKG at least.


Unlikely a concern. The testing does not correlate with symptoms necessarily. If she becomes more ill or has a fever, then i would recommend another evaluation however.

Which medicine is best for flu in children?

It depends on the symptoms you are trying to treat. Tylenol for fever and body aches mostly.

What pain relief is best for teething baby?

Tylenol. Consult with your pediatrician for the correct dosing.

Can clotrimazole cream be used in children?

Yes, it can be used on children.

How can I help my son's COVID-19 at home?

If he is generaly healthy and doing well, you can treat any other cold or viral illness. If you were uncertain or your child has underlying health conditions or it has moderate READ MORE
If he is generaly healthy and doing well, you can treat any other cold or viral illness. If you were uncertain or your child has underlying health conditions or it has moderate to severe symptoms and I would recommend having him evaluated by his pediatrician.

What is the treatment for a child's pneumonia?

The best treatment depends on the cause, the age , underlying health conditions and symptoms of your child.

Is it OK to give my baby Tylenol for teething every night?

Yes and No. Check with your pediatrician to ensure nothing else serious is going on if your baby requires it for a week or more.

Can a child get a CT scan under anesthesia?

Yes she can. Your doctor can order it with anesthesia.

Can a child have ear pain without infection?

I recommend taking your child to their doctor. Your child should not have ear pain with or without an infection.

Can teething cause night wakings?

Yes, the awakening could be due to hunger because painful gums make eating more difficult. Or it may be from the discomfort itself.

How long does teething last for babies?

Teething is usually complete by the age of 2 or 3. It is highly variable from one child to the next, but usually takes about twenty four months from start to finish.

How can I help my toddler sleep with a cold?

It depends on the symptoms. If nasal congestion, Vicks and / or nasal saline rinses. If still having trouble, see your doctor.

How long does a cold last in a 3 year old?

Cold symptoms last 1 to 2 weeks. If symptoms last longer than 2 weeks or get worse over time, you should take your child to their doctor.

At what age can children receive the flu vaccine?

Children can start getting the flu vaccine at 6 months. It must be given as a split dose the first time you child is vaccinated.