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Dr. Sanaz Shahbandi, D.D.S


Dr. Sanaz Shahbandi D.D.S is a top Dentist in Orange, . With a passion for the field and an unwavering commitment to their specialty, Dr. Sanaz Shahbandi D.D.S is an expert in changing the lives of their patients for the better. Through their designated cause and expertise in the field, Dr. Sanaz Shahbandi D.D.S is a prime example of a true leader in healthcare. As a leader and expert in their field, Dr. Sanaz Shahbandi D.D.S is passionate about enhancing patient quality of life. They embody the values of communication, safety, and trust when dealing directly with patients. In Orange, CA, Dr. Sanaz Shahbandi D.D.S is a true asset to their field and dedicated to the profession of medicine.
11 years Experience
Dr. Sanaz Shahbandi, D.D.S
  • Orange, CA
  • USC School of Dentistry
  • Accepting new patients

Can my silver fillings be replaced with white fillings?

Of course they can be replaced, but let’s talk. What are your reasons for replacing them? You said they are all the way back (posterior teeth) so aesthetic is not a concern. Generally, READ MORE
Of course they can be replaced, but let’s talk. What are your reasons for replacing them? You said they are all the way back (posterior teeth) so aesthetic is not a concern. Generally, this is my rule: if you don’t have an open crack on the tooth or cavity on it, leave it alone! Replacing it can cause sensitivity. Silver fillings (amalgam) stay by retention, white fillings bond to the tooth.

Now, because silver fillings are made of metals, every time you drink or eat something hot, they expand more than natural teeth; that can cause fractures. If the fracture line is open, then have it replaced as, if we can see it, it will be a highway for the bacteria to get inside the tooth.

How often can I use a mouthwash in a day?

My word of advice, if you feel your mouth smells too often, you have to find the real underlying cause and get treatment for it; use of mouthwash will not resolve it! Halitosis READ MORE
My word of advice, if you feel your mouth smells too often, you have to find the real underlying cause and get treatment for it; use of mouthwash will not resolve it!

Halitosis (bad breath)
Dry mouth, having poor oral hygiene, acid reflux, having calculus (teeth tartar) build-ups under your gums could be the reason. Have your gums checked in case you need a deep cleaning (scaling root planning). I don’t recommend using mouthwash too often as you can get rid of the normal flora of your mouth. One other thing, get mouthwash that doesn’t have alcohol in it.

Why do I have sensitivity in all my lower teeth?

Different things may cause teeth sensitivity. In kids, around the age of 7-11, since the permanent teeth are erupting the nerves inside the teeth are fairly large; therefore, the READ MORE
Different things may cause teeth sensitivity. In kids, around the age of 7-11, since the permanent teeth are erupting the nerves inside the teeth are fairly large; therefore, the teeth are more sensitive. Early cavity detection is very important for that reason as caries (cavities) reach the nerve fairly fast.
In adults, generally, as we age, we tend to lose bone density, especially around the front teeth, so the roots of the teeth feel the temperature changes more. Also, gum recession causes more root exposure, be mindful that roots don’t have the enamel layer which is the protective shield for the coronal portion of the tooth. Roots of the teeth are more sensitive to heat and cold. Several things can cause gum recession:

-Gum disease
-Hard brushing
-Grinding your teeth
-Restorations that are too close to the bone level
-Bone loss

You need to have a clinical exam to determine what is the reason for your teeth sensitivity and receive the proper treatment.

Dr. Shahbandi

What foods should I eat after going to the dentist?

Okay! Since you didn’t mention what was the dental procedure that was done on you, I will go over several dental procedures and the foods you need to avoid. Cleaning (regular READ MORE
Okay! Since you didn’t mention what was the dental procedure that was done on you, I will go over several dental procedures and the foods you need to avoid.
Cleaning (regular and deep): if the mouth was irrigated with antibiotic rinse or fluoride application was applied, we ask the patient not to eat for 30 minutes.
For kids, if any work was done on the lower teeth because of numbness of the tongue, they tend to bite their cheeks and tongue, so no eating till the numbness goes away.
For surgeries, nothing too hot as it can induce bleeding. Also, for faster recovery, avoid sweets as bacteria thrive on sugary foods and your immune system instead of healing the surgical site, fights the bacteria.
If you had a crown preparation, avoid hard and crunchy food till you receive the final restoration (crown) as your tooth without the crown is fragile, and temporary crown is not as strong as the crown is.
For composites (white fillings), avoid the foods that have red colors and alcoholic beverages and generally the things that can stain your teeth for 2 days, the same thing applies for in office teeth-whitening procedure. For that one, you need to avoid coffee and tea as well for at least 7 days.
After crown delivery, avoid sticky foods for 2 days.

Why are my father's gums swollen?

He needs to have a proper dental exam, sometime medications can cause inflammation (swelling of the gums), also reviewing the medical history along with a proper dental exam can READ MORE
He needs to have a proper dental exam, sometime medications can cause inflammation (swelling of the gums), also reviewing the medical history along with a proper dental exam can determine the cause.
Dr. Shahbandi

Will being on a liquid diet affect my teeth in any way?

Depending on the type of liquid, if it’s an acidic one, yes it does! Some detoxifying diets have vinegar in them, which is acidic. Generally, if you go on those diets, after drinking READ MORE
Depending on the type of liquid, if it’s an acidic one, yes it does! Some detoxifying diets have vinegar in them, which is acidic. Generally, if you go on those diets, after drinking the liquid, rinse your mouth and teeth with water, which neutralizes the acid. Make sure your diet doesn’t deprive your body of calcium, as calcium is essential for your teeth.

Dr. Shahbandi

Is it okay to swallow the gel applied for a mouth ulcer?

OTC mouth gels usually contain Benzocaine and they are safe to be used in the mouth in small doses and it’s okay if accidentally swallowed; however, it’s not safe to use them on READ MORE
OTC mouth gels usually contain Benzocaine and they are safe to be used in the mouth in small doses and it’s okay if accidentally swallowed; however, it’s not safe to use them on infants! If accidentally swallowed and begin to experience headache, fatigue, confusion, and fast heart beating, seek medical care immediately.

Dr. Shahbandi