What are some of the potential risks of Brazilian Butt Lift Surgery?

Dr. Siamak Agha mohammadi Plastic Surgeon | Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Newport Beach, CA

Dr. Siamak Agha mohammadi is a cosmetic medicine and surgery specialist practicing in Newport Beach, CA. Dr. Agha mohammadi specializes in the enhancement of appearance. Improving aesthetic, symmetry and proportion are key goals in cosmetic surgery. Cosmetic medicine has nothing to do with these specific areas not functioning... more

What Are The Potential Risks of Butt Augmentation?

Contraindictions to Buttocks Enhancement Surgery:

  • Severe comorbid conditions (heart disease, morbid obesity, diabetes, smoking, etc.)
  • Thromboembolic disease (blood clotting disorders)
  • Morbid obesity (BMI >40)
  • Unrealistic patient expectations
  • Patients who can form keloids or hypertrophic scars
  • Back Liposuction
  • Buttocks Liposuction
  • Thigh Liposuction
  • Calf Liposuction

Buttock Enhancement Complications

All forms of cosmetic surgery involve a degree of risk and a potential for complications. Therefore, you should consider it as seriously as you would any major surgery. Also, note that augmentation with implants carries a much higher rate of complications as compared to a fat injection. The risks for having implants placed in your buttocks include, infection and bleeding, which are common risks for any surgical procedure. Risks of infection are even higher when incisions are made in the gluteal crease. Another potential complication is the possibility of the implants shifting and causing the results to appear asymmetrical. It is rare, though possible, that the implants may also rupture or break. 

Surgical Anesthesia: On the day of surgery, your anesthesiologist will discuss with you the risks of both general and local anesthesia.

Poor Scarring: If the sutured area doesn’t heal properly or takes too long to heal, the scars may become thicker than normal. If the patient heals relatively quickly, minimal scarring will result. Scars will take years to fade, but they are long-lasting. Despite Dr. Agha’s best effort, scar appearance and healing are not fully predictable. The scars may be uneven, excessively wide, and/or asymmetrical. Scars may be unattractive and of a different color than the surrounding skin. Excessive, hypertrophic, and keloid scarring are uncommon. Additional treatments, including surgery, may be necessary to treat abnormal scarring.

Bleeding or Hematoma: Another potential buttock enhancement risk is bleeding that may result if the sutured areas do not heal correctly or if there is improper coagulation after the procedure. A hematoma is a blood collection that can form under the skin and enlarges as a tender bulge. If a patient notices any unusual bleeding after surgery, they need to contact Dr. Agha immediately. Do not take any aspirin or anti-inflammatory medications for ten days before surgery as this will increase the risk of bleeding. Non-prescription “herbs” and dietary supplements can also increase the risk of surgical bleeding.

Fluid Accumulation (Seroma): After fat grafting or implant placement, body fluids (serum) occasionally accumulate underneath the skin as a seroma. If the fluid collection is significant, Dr. Agha may elect to aspirate the fluid with a small needle in an office procedure. For buttock lifts, drains may be placed at the surgical site at the end of the operation to collect seepage of the fluid. After their removal in five to seven days, a seroma may occasionally accumulate underneath the skin, requiring aspirations. If that fails to cure the seroma, then the patient will need to be seen either in the office or in operating room for insertion of new drainage tubes and the removal of seroma cavities. This is very rarely needed.

Poor Wound Healing: Individuals that have a slower than average healing rate or are smokers may find that they do not heal properly, that the sutured areas reopen easily, or that they are more prone to infection. Patients should avoid smoking three weeks prior to and after the procedure so that their body’s natural healing process is not hindered.

Wound Dehiscence: Generally your skin closure is in multiple layers. Separation of the superficial, deep and/or both layers may occur any time during your first post-operative month. Suture breakage, knots untying, sutures tearing through an excessively tight closure, too much movement or bending, and skin necrosis (death) are some of the recognized causes of dehiscence. Breakage of the sutures in the superficial layer of skin may be sutured closed or allowed to heal secondarily, at the judgment of Dr. Agha.

Deep dehiscence may require a return to the operating room for closure under anesthesia. These healing problems may require frequent dressing changes, extra office visits, and further surgery to remove the non-healed tissue. Open wounds may take weeks to heal or a secondary closure may be appropriate. Wounds allowed to heal on their own usually benefit from secondary scar revision.

Smokers have a higher risk of skin loss and wound healing complications. Do not smoke for three weeks before and after your surgery.

Suture Granuloma: Some surgical techniques use deep sutures. These may be noticed by the patient following surgery. Sutures may spontaneously poke through the skin, be visible, or produce irritation that requires removal.

Numbness in Skin Sensation: This is a normal consequence that occurs at the site of surgery in everyone to a different extent. You may experience “paresthesia,” which is an altered sensation at the site of the liposuction. This may either be in the form of an increased sensitivity or pain in the area or loss of any feeling or numbness in the area. In most patients, numbness goes away within the first four to sixth months after surgery. Massaging the surgical area helps increase circulation, and facilitates the return of normal skin sensation. Numbness is long-lasting in very rare cases.

Fat Absorption and Sclerosis: Approximately 20-30% of the injected fat does not survive and gets absorbed. If this happens unevenly, there could be areas were you feel or see asymmetry due to fat resorption. Gentle massage over the buttock area helps even out and smooth these areas during the recovery phase.

Skin Irregularities or Dimples: Contour irregularities and depressions in the skin may occur after liposuction. Also, the areas of injected fat can occasionally develop contour irregularities, including bumps and dimples, depending on your skin elasticity. Usually, post-operative massage can be helpful in smoothing these areas. On occasion, asymmetrical fullness, bulges, and depressions may be present.

Skin Discoloration or Swelling: Some skin discoloration and swelling can occur following liposuction. In rare situations, swelling and skin discoloration may persist for long periods of time. Permanent skin discoloration is rare.

Emotional, Depression, or Sexual Changes: There have been reports of depression after liposuction similar to postpartum depression.

Asymmetry in Scar Placement: No two halves of the body are identical. Therefore, following buttock augmentation, these asymmetries may persist and appear as differences between the contour and size of the two sides. Scoliosis or other spine disorders can magnify body asymmetry. On occasion, asymmetry may occur after a buttock lift. Although this is not typical, it is a risk associated with the procedure.

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