7 Facts About Root Canals You Should Be Aware Of

Dr. Farzin Farokhzadeh Dentist Bronx, New York

Farzin Farokhzadeh is a family and cosmetic dentist located in Yonkers and Bronx, NY. Dr. Farokhzadeh attended the State University of New York and Stony Brook University, where he obtained his dental degree. Dr. Farokhzadeh now runs his own dental practice, where patients can come to him for a variety of reasons, including... more

If a specialist recommends that you undergo a root canal treatment, you may end up being a little bit nervous. A root canal is the removal of the infected soft center of a tooth, called the pulp, and it has lots of misconceptions surrounding it. However, avoid being tempted to delay the procedure because root canals aren’t as scary as you imagine. 

Continue reading to discover the seven important things you should know about a root canal procedure.

1. Antibiotics aren’t effective with infected root canal 
Many people tend to believe that antibiotics will treat their condition because it’s the medicine that treats bacterial infections. However, antibiotics work by getting to the site of infection through your blood. Because bacteria that infected your dental pulp are accumulated within the root canal system, antibiotics can’t reach the infected area in your mouth. 

2. Don’t be fooled if your pain disappears 
An infected pulp of your tooth, which contains nervous elements and blood vessels, can be quite painful. However, if this pain subsides, don’t think your tooth has recovered. Due to progressing infection, the pulp starts to die and pain usually goes away. But other symptoms, including pus drainage, and facial swelling will develop as the infection makes its way to the root. If you experience any of these symptoms, consult a root canal specialist right away. 

3. Root canal treatment isn’t painful 
Most patients expect root canal procedures to be painful. However, this procedure is designed to treat pain, not cause it. Before your root canal, a dentist will give you a local anesthetic to numb the infected tooth and nearby area. The entire procedure shouldn’t cause more discomfort than an ordinary tooth filling. Always inform your dentist if you’re concerned about pain. 

4. You may feel soreness afterward
Though the treatment itself isn’t painful, you may still experience minor soreness or sensitivity for a few days after the procedure. Over-the-counter pain medications can help. Ask your dental specialist whether OTC or prescription drugs are appropriate for you. 

5. You should protect your tooth
After the specialist performs the procedure, they will most likely protect your tooth with a temporary filling. In this case, your dental specialist is planning to restore your tooth with a permanent filling during your next visit. Until then, it’s necessary to protect your tooth because it’s very vulnerable to fracture. Consult your dentist regarding ways to safeguard your tooth.  

6. Your tooth isn’t invincible
You should remember that undergoing the root canal procedure doesn’t make your tooth immune to gum disease and cavities. However, your tooth will last you for a long time if you care for it in the right way. Make sure to brush and floss your teeth two times a day and visit regular dental checkups and cleanings. A crown that a dentist will place on your tooth after the root canal will last for 10 to 15 years. 

7. Root canals protect your smile 
If the soft center of your tooth becomes infected, the only alternative to a root canal procedure is tooth extraction. However, it’s crucial to treat and care for your natural teeth to ensure the health of your jawbone. Besides, pulling one of your teeth may cause the neighboring ones to shift, leading to bite problems and an unsightly smile. 

The bottom line
If you consider undergoing a root canal treatment, don’t be scared, as it’s safe and completely painless. Although you may feel soreness afterward, a root canal procedure is essential to protect your tooth from dying and help you avoid tooth extraction.