Should I Switch to Implant Supported Dentures?

Dr. Marielaina Perrone Dentist Henderson, NV

Dr. Marielaina Perrone, DDS, graduated with honors from the prestigious Stony Brook University School of Dental Medicine in New York. Following her graduation, Dr. Perrone completed a one-year residency in Advanced Education of General Dentistry at the same institution. With over 20 years of experience, Dr. Perrone is... more

Dentures have long been a solution for missing teeth, providing functional and aesthetic benefits. However, advancements in dental technology have introduced a more stable and comfortable alternative – implant supported dentures. This comprehensive guide explores the factors to consider when contemplating switching to implant supported dentures.

Understanding Traditional Dentures:

Definition and Function

Traditional dentures are removable prosthetic devices designed to replace missing teeth. They consist of artificial teeth attached to a pink or gum-colored acrylic base.

Pros and Cons of Traditional Dentures

  • Pros:
    • Affordable initial cost
    • Non-invasive procedure
    • Faster fabrication process
  • Cons:
    • Limited stability
    • May cause sore spots and discomfort
    • Impact on speech and taste sensation

Introduction to Implant-Supported Dentures:

What Are Implant Supported Dentures?

Implant supported dentures, or overdentures, are a modern alternative that combines traditional dentures with dental implants for enhanced stability.

The Implant Process

Implant supported dentures involve the surgical placement of dental implants into the jawbone. These implants serve as anchors for the denture, providing a secure and permanent foundation.

Benefits of Implant Supported Dentures:

Enhanced Stability and Comfort

  • Unlike traditional dentures, implant-supported dentures are firmly anchored to the jawbone, offering stability and reducing the risk of slipping or shifting during activities like eating and speaking.

Preservation of Jawbone Integrity

  • Dental implants stimulate the jawbone, preventing bone loss and maintaining facial structure. This is a significant advantage over traditional dentures, which can contribute to bone resorption.

Improved Chewing Efficiency

  • The stability dental implants provide allows for more effective chewing, enabling a more varied and nutritious diet.

Enhanced Quality of Life

  • Implant-supported dentures feel more natural and comfortable, providing wearers with increased confidence and improved oral function.

Factors to Consider When Contemplating the Switch:

Cost Considerations

  • While implant-supported dentures offer long-term benefits, they typically involve a higher upfront cost than traditional dentures. Considering the long-term investment and potential savings in maintenance and replacements is essential.

Health Considerations

  • Individuals with certain health conditions or inadequate jawbone density may not be suitable candidates for dental implants. A thorough dental examination and consultation with a qualified dentist or oral surgeon are crucial.

Time Commitment

  • The process of getting implant supported dentures is more time-consuming than traditional dentures. It involves multiple stages, including implant placement, osseointegration (healing period), and the fabrication of custom dentures.

Comparing Maintenance and Longevity:

Maintenance of Traditional Dentures

  • Traditional dentures require regular removal for cleaning and soaking. Adjustments and relining may be necessary over time to accommodate changes in the jawbone.

Maintenance of Implant Supported Dentures

  • Implant-supported dentures can be cleaned similarly to natural teeth with regular brushing and flossing. While adjustments may still be needed, they generally require less maintenance than traditional dentures.


  • Traditional dentures may need to be replaced every 5 to 7 years due to changes in the jawbone and wear and tear.
  • With proper care, implant-supported dentures can last 20 years or more, making them a more durable and cost-effective long-term solution.


In conclusion, deciding to switch to implant-supported dentures involves carefully considering various factors, including cost, health considerations, time commitment, maintenance, and longevity. While traditional dentures have been a reliable solution for many, the advancements in implant-supported dentures offer a more stable and long-lasting alternative. Consulting with a dentist, exploring patient testimonials, and weighing the pros and cons will empower individuals to make informed decisions that align with their oral health goals and lifestyles.