5 Benefits of Getting Porcelain Veneers

Ella Dekhtyar Dentist Brooklyn, NY

Dr. Ella Dekhtyar is a top rated, best in class cosmetic dentist in Brooklyn. She passionate about ensuring her patients receive the best and most appropriate dental care in Broadway Family Dental Center. She is one of the most highly regarded dentists in the community. Dr. Dekhtyar has received multiple awards including... more

Porcelain veneers are a great option to restore your smile. They help cover minor chips, cracks, and stains. If the appearance of your smile leaves you feeling self-conscious, it might be time to schedule an appointment with a dental specialist. An experienced specialist will help you determine the most appropriate cosmetic dentistry solution, which may be porcelain veneers.

Keep on reading to discover the five reasons why porcelain veneers are great for your smile. 

1. Covers chips, cracks, and stains
Porcelain veneers can fix minor cosmetic problems that are visible when you speak or smile. During your visit, a dental specialist will examine your teeth and gums to find if you’re a good candidate for veneers. For instance, a dentist can suggest veneers to cover small gaps or spaces between your front teeth. If one or a few of your teeth are vulnerable to damage as a result of injury or decay, a dental specialist may instead recommend crowns to restore your teeths’ natural strength and appearance. In any case, a dentist will determine the most appropriate treatment for your smile.    

2. Minor enamel removal
Worn-out enamel cannot be recovered. Luckily, veneers are minimally invasive and require only a thin layer to be removed. Besides, you won’t even require any anesthesia during the process of installing porcelain veneers. Cosmetic dentistry solutions like dental bridges and dental crowns have to fit over one or several teeth. Contrarily, porcelain veneers are placed over the front part of your teeth. This means that a dental specialist will remove less enamel for a veneer than for a crown or bridge.  

3. Prevent tooth discoloration
By regularly brushing and flossing your teeth and being mindful of the foods you consume, you can ensure that your veneers will last for a very long time. Porcelain veneers will serve as a barrier between your enamel and acidic foods and drinks. This will help protect your teeth from becoming stained and discolored. However, your veneers should still be treated with care. For example, it’s better to avoid eating too many acidic, hard, or very crunchy foods, as they can eventually damage your veneers. Besides, avoiding using your teeth as tools to open things is also a good idea. With proper care, your porcelain veneers can be expected to last for more than 10 years. 

4. Boost confidence in your smile
Installing dental veneers will require making several dental visits. During your first appointment, a dental specialist will create a base to place veneers by removing some enamel from the fronts of your teeth. If you skip the removal part, veneers will cause your teeth to look large and bulky. A dental specialist will then take impressions of your teeth and send them to the laboratory. Based on these impressions, experts will create veneers specific to the structure of your teeth. Meanwhile, a dental specialist will install temporary veneers to protect your teeth. On your second visit to the office, your veneers will be ready. A dental specialist will ensure that the veneers are the same color as your enamel and will slightly adjust them so they feel and appear natural.  

5. Low maintenance
While veneers are immune to discoloration, practicing proper dental hygiene regularly is still essential to preserve your dental health. Also, don’t avoid scheduling regular checkups and cleanings with your dentist. This simple maintenance will help you keep veneers white and shiny so you can enjoy a gorgeous and eye-catching smile for longer. Because porcelain veneers are made of non-porous materials, they can resist permanent discoloration and tooth decay better than your real teeth. This means minimal effort is required to maintain veneers.