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Cze H. Low


Dr. Cze Low is an ophthalmologist practicing in Singapore, . Dr. Low specializes in eye and vision care. As an ophthalmologist, Dr. Low can practice medicine as well as surgery. Opthalmologists can perform surgeries because they have their medical degrees along with at least eight years of additional training. Dr. Low can diagnose and treat diseases, perform eye operations and prescribe eye glasses and contacts. Ophthalmologists can also specialize even further in a specific area of eye care.
Cze H. Low
  • National University of Singapore
  • Accepting new patients

Eye infection?

It's likely to be purulent bacterial conjunctivitis. Frequent washing under running water and topical antibiotic eye drops are needed. See your doctor. If you have pain in your READ MORE
It's likely to be purulent bacterial conjunctivitis. Frequent washing under running water and topical antibiotic eye drops are needed. See your doctor. If you have pain in your lymph nodes nearby, you will need oral antibiotics too.

Constant twitching?

It becomes habitual twitching. You have to re-learn to stop it eventually.

Strengthening eye sight?

Eat colored vegetables like capsicum, eat eye vitamins supplements like Ocuvite .

Closed angle glaucoma?

Closed angle glaucoma must be treated urgently as it leads to rapid deterioration and blindness. Treatment includes medications, laser surgery and operations.

How to manage diplopia?

After 9 years, you are not likely to have anything significant. I agree with your conclusions. However a CT scan maybe easier for you. Prisms will help . Surgery on the muscles READ MORE
After 9 years, you are not likely to have anything significant. I agree with your conclusions. However a CT scan maybe easier for you. Prisms will help . Surgery on the muscles is difficult and unpredictable. Since you ate not disturbed, it may be best left alone. See an ophthalmologist strabismus specialist for a second opinion. Otherwise just leave it alone.

I have swollen, itchy, red eyelids?

You should see a dermatologist for a consultation.

What should I do?

It's most likely a subconjunctival hemorrhage. If it's small and not undressing in size, then leave it alone. Otherwise see an ophthalmologist.

Hit in the eye by my dog?

Go to the pharmacy, get an antibiotic or antibiotic ointment and apply over the bite. Anyway give it a wash with soap and water. Try for a day. If it's not better, see a GP.

I have been diagnosed with papilledema and now have ranula?

You will need to see an oral surgeon for your ranula, asap. Your neurological treatment is urgent to relieve your papilloedema.

Pressure test?

Yes. You could repeat the test.

Can diabetics do laser eye surgery?

Yes, if the diabetes is mild and well controlled.

Does Lasik reduce eye pressure?

No. Those are separate issues.

Can glaucoma progression be stopped?

Yes, if you are having great control of the eye pressure..

Fluid from an eye injury?

It would clear up once the infection is controlled.


Yes, that's a good and safe way of using contacts.

Detached retina?

Not necessary. However get your eyes checked. Those are possible symptoms of posterior vitreous detachment.

What is the main cause of night blindness?

It's genetic. Nothing can be done is or manifest. The next generation will also be very affected.

How many days rest is needed after cataract surgery?

Up to one month depending on your work.