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Mr. Samuel Norman Gross


Samuel Gross, MS, RD, LD, is a dietician who diagnoses and treats patients at Nutrition Now LLC in Hugo, CO. Furthermore, he has staff memberships at Hugo Hospital in Hugo, CO. Sam has an impressive professional journey that spans twenty-six years and his areas of expertise cover individualized nutritional counseling, long-term care consulting, wellness programs, and public speaking on nutritional topics. Prior to his current endeavors, he has enjoyed an exceptional military career and has received multiple military awards and medals. Throughout his many years of experience, he has upheld a steadfast commitment to the ethical and professional standards of his practice, as evidenced by his sterling record, and ensures an impeccable degree of patient satisfaction in all facets of his work.
33 years Experience
Mr. Samuel Norman Gross
  • Fort Hays State University
  • Accepting new patients

How many calories should I eat a day?

Many factors are used for calorie level such as ht, wt, activity level, and medical conditions.  So you question can be answered with age. Thank you Sam Gross MS.RD.LD