What is PRP and why is important to treat musculoskeletal injuries?

Alfredo Ferreyra Sports Medicine Specialist | Sports Medicine Fort Lauderdale, FL

Alfredo Ferreyra is an advanced Musculoskeletal Sonographer specializing in Regenerative Medicine, his company MSKortho offers concierge services to physicians and providers that want to provide & learn musculoskeletal ultrasound to look for sports related injuries and musculoskeletal chronic diseases. Alfredo Ferreyra... more

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy is a popular treatment option for musculoskeletal injuries, and using a high concentration of platelets in PRP is important for several reasons.

Firstly, PRP is rich in growth factors and other bioactive proteins that can promote tissue healing and regeneration. By concentrating these factors and injecting them directly into the site of injury, PRP can accelerate the healing process and reduce inflammation and pain.

Secondly, using a high concentration of platelets in PRP can increase the effectiveness of the treatment. Platelets are the primary source of growth factors in PRP, so the higher the concentration of platelets, the more growth factors will be present in the injection.

Thirdly, thousands of  studies suggest that using a high concentration of platelets in PRP can lead to better clinical outcomes. For example, a 2018 study published in the American Journal of Sports Medicine found that using a PRP preparation with a platelet concentration of at least 1 billion platelets per milliliter was associated with better outcomes in patients with knee osteoarthritis.

Finally, it is important to note that not all PRP preparations are created equal. The concentration of platelets and other factors in PRP can vary depending on the preparation technique used, so it is important to use a high-quality PRP preparation that has been carefully processed and tested to ensure optimal effectiveness.

In summary, treating musculoskeletal injuries with good PRP can be an effective way to promote healing and reduce pain and inflammation. Using a high concentration of platelets in PRP can increase the effectiveness of the treatment and lead to better clinical outcomes. It is important to use a high-quality PRP preparation that has been carefully processed and tested to ensure optimal effectiveness.